Environmental Policy

We are aware of the importance of environmental sustainability and continuously seek to improve our environmental and social performance. In order for us to reduce the effect of our carbon footprint, we have implemented a programme of ongoing action to achieve this, which our guests can also be part of.  Although not an exhaustive list, many of the things we do are listed below.

We were recognised by travel website TripAdvisor for our efforts and awarded a Green Leaders Bronze Award in our first year.


  • We have separate internal and external bins for splitting of recycling.
  • ​We recycle glass, card, paper, plastics and garden waste and remove recylable material from bedroom bins.
  • We supply New Forest Spring Water in our Dining Room, the water bottles are returned to New Forest Spring Water for washing, sterilising and re-using the bottles.
  • We supply New Forest Aromatics toiletries in pump containers in bedrooms and en-suites.
  • Glass jam pots and aluminium lids are recycled.
  • At the end of each season, out of date leaflets are recycled.


  • We decant sauces into mini Kilner jars rather than offering plastic sachets.
  • We encourage guests to help reduce their carbon footprint too.
  • Rather than individual cardboard cereal boxes we use cereals in Kilner jars.
  • We offer jugs of fresh milk from our Dining Room rather than plastic sachets of UHT milk.
  • Rather than buying biscuits in plastic wrappers we supply homemade treats displayed in biscuit tins or Kilner jars in your guest room.
  • We reduced temporary wrappings like cling film by using long life containers to store things like bacon which can be washed between each use rather than discarded.


  • We like “upcycling” furniture rather than replacing it.
  • ​We are happy to fill guests’ own re-usable water bottles.
  • Our cleaning cloths are washed and re-used rather than using disposable wipes and cloths.
  • Rather than disposing of old towels they become rags for cleaning.
  • Tourist leaflets and maps in good condition are returned to the display case in reception for reuse by other guests.


  • We use email where possible rather than post.
  • We print double sided where we can using recycled ink cartridges.
  • Our website is our brochure.
  • Guests are not required to print or show confirmations of booking or gift vouchers.
  • Invoices are not presented in envelopes.


  • Fitted the latest LED technology light bulbs.
  • Many lights including external are on timers and/or dusk to dawn sensors.
  • New low energy boiler.
  • Radiators have thermostatic controls and we only heat bedrooms when in use.
  • Dining tables do not have table cloths to reduce washing.
  • Double glazing is fitted throughout the house.
  • Having completely refurbished, many electrical items including fridge-freezer, dishwasher and washing machine are new and ‘A’ rated or above.
  • When floors, ceilings and walls were accessed for building work, extra insulation was installed.
  • Our towel policy – towels will not be replaced daily unless they are left in the shower tray.  They will be replaced every four nights as standard, along with bedding.
  • Having had a feasibility survey for solar panels, unfortunately as we are in a conservation area, it is not possible to install.
  • Our Nespresso machines have an auto power off mode and use only the necessary amount of electricity and water for the perfect cup of coffee.
  • There are motion sensors in the corridor, so that lighting does not need to be used unnecessarily.


  • Smaller kettles boiling only required water.
  • New toilets have smaller cisterns and shorter/dual flushes.
  • We use an automatic watering system for our pots and hanging baskets to minimise wastage.
  • Our dressing gowns were chosen for their fast drying time.
  • Dish washers and washing machine are used on the shortest cycle for the task and use minimal water.


  • Food is sourced locally to reduce food miles.
  • Many items are homemade.
  • Food is carefully ordered and cooked to minimise waste and amount of refrigeration needed.
  • Most unused/leftover food is eaten by us and we make casseroles and soups.
  • Fruit past its best is turned into smoothies.
  • Fresh milk is available from the Dining Room.
  • Our experience has led to carefully assessed portion control for filling breakfasts but no wastage.


  • Our linen policy – beds are changed as standard every four nights.  If you require anything changing before then, just let us know.  This reduces water, electricity and transportation via our linen company.
  • All curtains are lined for their thermal qualities, there are either blackout curtains or blinds to block the sun on warmer days.

Local Economy / Social Awareness:

  • When refurbishing, we used local tradespeople and suppliers.
  • Use local companies such as the butcher and florist, reducing delivery mileage and packaging.
  • We pay supplier invoices within 48 hours of receipt knowing that cash flow is important for small business.
  • Encourage guests to spend money locally to sustain the local economy – promoting local attractions and special places to visit.
  • Literature from local attractions / restaurants / taxi companies are displayed in reception and on our website as well as regular social media links.
  • We support various local events, not only by attending and promoting them but paying for advertising.
  • We support local charities such as the Hythe Pier.
  • We regularly visit local restaurants, shops and attractions.
  • Our jams and preserves are either homemade or purchased in small batches from local food markets.
  • We encourage the use of independent restaurants selling locally sourced food rather than chains.
  • Where local suppliers are not available, we endeavour to use UK suppliers to reduce imports.


  • We encourage the use of trains, ferries and buses, and provide timetables and maps.
  • Many places are in walking distance too, so guests often don’t use their car at all whilst here.
  • We rarely use a car ourselves and able to walk to most places.
  • We are within easy walking distance of the Hythe Ferry to visit Southampton or the Isle of Wight.

How Our Guests Can Help & Participate:

  • Arrive by public transport / use public transport or walk whilst staying here.
  • Don’t print out your confirmation emails, we don’t need to see them.
  • Turn off taps when brushing teeth.
  • Use the short flush facility on toilets.
  • Don’t ask for your towels to be replaced / washed daily.
  • Turn radiator thermostats down slightly.
  • Put a jumper on rather than turning the heating up and wearing shorts and a t-shirt.
  • Turn the radiator down rather than taking a jumper off.
  • Turn your lights and TV off when leaving your room.
  • Only boil the amount of water you need for hot drinks.
  • Use our external recycling bin for your rubbish or leave at the side of your bedroom bin.
  • We give guests the choice if they wish their bed and towels to be replaced half way through their stay (4 nights +).